Tuesday, May 15, 2007

2 New LO for my 2 lovely girls

As a mother of two, and the only child from my family, I always try to balance my life, between Shanghai and Brunei, my work and family, hubby and the kids, and even between the two girls. I try to spend same quality time with them and make each of them feels that she is truely special.
Rafeeqa always question that why her sister got more stuff than she does, well, my darling, she arrives 3 years earlier than you! She gave such comments as" it's not fair, she has more books"
"why she's riding on that horse, where am I" and the worse is" you have brought here to so many places and took so many pictures!" As I scrap, I tried to make sure they have their own album and another elbum just to put the picture with both of them there. Last week, I was doing 2 looks at the same time, so Rafeeqa feels better.

Love U at 2

Jazz, I did cut out the flowers as I told you and the 3D effect is great! Well, I am waiting for the large shadow boxes now to put them in.

Also, one of the family member will leave us soon, I am working on a project for her, will post once I finish it.


Pandachu said...

U've already used the paper! I havent even used it yet! Beautiful Lo's of both girls...notice u like using flowers too!

Scrapper-holic said...

Your girls are so beautiful!

Jasmin B said...

Oh Yu-er, these are fantastic LOs of your girls! Familiar papers I see *wink*!! You can make it more 3D by curling the edges of the flowers between your thumb and index finger.

I have the same experience with Pink Princess, when she sees me working on an LO of her other siblings, she's like "Mama, how come you don't do mine?" and she counts how many LOs that I've done of her compared to the others.

{ Yu'er } said...

haha Jazz, we mothers know ...

CAROLYN HU said...

看了你的BLOG,很为你感动.很羡慕你有这么漂亮的两个女儿,是我们不可企盼的.看到了你在大学时所未及的一面,富有爱心,生活平凡而富有意义.突然有种想带儿子去看看那边的生活,尤其是你所在的国际学校.在HO CHI MENG CITY曾经接触过一个在国际学校读书的小女孩,感受到了中西教育在她身上的融合.能不能帮打听一下,寒暑假在你那边,有没有适合的国际学校允许短期学习,主要是想让儿子接触一下英式教育.请答复我,谢谢.胡霞