中国人表现情感的方式比较含蓄,尤其是我们上一代的人,记忆中长大之后再没有拥抱过自己的父母亲,特别是妈妈。如果可以,我多想能够紧紧地抱着她,对她说一句:爱你,妈妈。 我并不是一个乖女儿,在成长的过程中,妈妈付出了许多时间,无怨无悔,而我一直都没能够尽孝心,实在是我今生最失败的地方。对于父亲,也一样觉得内疚,在我们之间的这空间的距离,让我也无法好好照顾他。 只希望,快些,快些,在很快的将来,可以好好地陪他。
周末和几个朋友一起crop,要把和爸爸一起的拍的照片用美丽的方式留下来,从小,他就是我心目中最完美的男人,年幼的我甚至天真地想成年之后的另一半可以和爸爸一样高大成熟。 去年爸爸来这里过年,是妈妈离开后的第一次。虽然周围的人都喜气洋洋,可是也掩藏不了爸爸眼底的几丝失落。 爸爸,我最亲爱的爸爸,我们要坚强地走下去,其实妈妈永远都在我们的身边,不曾离开过。。。

Ooh nice. Love how u used the tags and is that blue lace on the top of the LO?
yes, the blue lace, you like it? I spot it in Hokko and it's in my favourite colour!I love your new "toys" which you just arrived, can we have a look if we catch up for next crop?
The QK? Yes of course. I'll be sure to bring them over. I'm planning on getting an even 'cooler' tool...a book binding machine that can do 'O' wire binding!! Oh so excited!
Wow this was the end result of what U started on the other day? I like!!
Oooh! Ooohh!! So nice it turned out!! The lace does give a nice touch to the LO!!
And yes, Scrapper!! Must see your new "toys"!! oohhh...this is so coool!!!
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