Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm tortuned by myself

Yes! that's it! I have been tortuned by myself for 5 months now... What the **** I signed myself for the suffering! You just couldn't understand right, I couldn't sleep well last night as I suppose to do a practical teaching this morning to a totally unknow class and I woke up early to get ready, guess what, just before I left the house, I received a call that there was no lesson today due to mini sports event! I should be happy , but Oh no no no no... my tutor was actually on his way to the school, I couldn't get him on line as he was driving, and ...... finally everthing was solved, but I only have one week left before my school opens, which means I have another 2 practical teaching, 1 presentation, 3 assignments to complete within next week. You should look at my face now, totally BLACK, thought could at least get something done this week, again, nothing!!!!!!

I need to get out of my cage! To where? can't go away though!

Even the beautiful Anna Griffin paper couldn't make me smile now... I am out of Mojo completely.

This morning received an email which touched me,it is a story of a man and an older woman who ran off to live and love each other in peace for over half a century.
The 70-year-old Chinese man who hand-carved over 6,000 stairs for his wife . Over fifty years ago, a 19years old young man fell in love with a 29years old widow, it was unacceptable, so they decided to go away and lived in the mountain. In the beginning, life was harsh as they had nothing, no electricity nor even food. They had to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain, and Liu made a kerosene lamp that they used to light up their lives. Xu felt that she had tied Liu down and repeatedly asked him, 'Are you regretful? Liu always replied, 'As long as we are industrious, life will improve.'In the second year of living in the mountain, Liu began and continued for over 50 years, to hand-carve the steps so that his wife could get down the mountain easily.

Half a century later in 2001, a group of adventurers were exploring the forest and were surprised to find the elderly couple and the over 6,000 hand-carved steps. Liu MingSheng, one of their seven children said, 'My parents loved each other so much, they have lived in seclusion for over 50 years and never been apart a single day. He hand carved more than 6,000 steps over the years for my mother's convenience, although she doesn't go down the mountain that much.'
The couple had lived in peace for over 50 years until last week. Liu, now 72 years, returned from his daily farm work and collapsed. Xu sat and prayed with her husband as he passed away in her arms. So in love with Xu, was Liu, that no one was able to release the grip he had on his wife's hand even after he had passed away.
Well, I am easily moved by love story. Have you watched "the notebook", another fairytale type love story which made me cry too.
See, this is what happened to me when I am already very down... even worse now.
1 more to go to reach the 100th, I have many nice stuff to give away for the next entry.
And hope I will be fine by then.

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